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I am a very motivated individual with a passion for anything space-related. I spent the first 2 years of my college career at the Ohio State University. I excelled in the honors first year engineering program and came to love it so much that I became a teaching assistant for …

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Published Packages

UI Item Select (Open Source) image UI Item Select (Open Source)
Easy item selection UI for trees and listboxes
RunLog (Open Source) image RunLog (Open Source)
A debug logger optimized for a process with a well defined start and stop point
DeferPanelUpdates (Open Source) image DeferPanelUpdates (Open Source)
A small library used to defer panel updates given a control reference
BlueVariantView image BlueVariantView
Recurses through any LabVIEW data and outputs a colorized tree control
BlueUtilities (OpenSource) image BlueUtilities (OpenSource)
This package only exists to create a targetable palette for small utility packages.
BlueTreeMapViewer (Open Source) image BlueTreeMapViewer (Open Source)
This package provides a user interace for viewing with and interacting with BlueTreeMap data structures.
BlueTreeMap (Open Source) image BlueTreeMap (Open Source)
Build a recursive TreeMap data structure in memory, and export this to a LabVIEW tree control
BlueTOMLSerializer image BlueTOMLSerializer
TOML plugin for Blue Serializer
BlueStringEscape (OpenSource) image BlueStringEscape (OpenSource)
A small library for escaping and un-escaping strings. Primarily intended for escaping strings written to and read from TDMS files for different operating syst…
BlueSerializationProviderShared image BlueSerializationProviderShared
code shared between project provider and serializer core
BlueSerializationProvider image BlueSerializationProvider
project provider for BlueSerializer
BlueSerialization image BlueSerialization
BlueSerializer core
BluePlot (Open Source) image BluePlot (Open Source)
A plotting UI optimized for real-time display of circularly buffered data
BluePlotMulti (Open Source) image BluePlotMulti (Open Source)
A Multi-panel wrapper around the BluePlot library
BlueLogParent (Open Source) image BlueLogParent (Open Source)
This package provides a debug log message abstraction layer.
BlueJSONTextSerializer image BlueJSONTextSerializer
JSONtext plugin for BlueSerializer
Blue Event Log (Open Source) image Blue Event Log (Open Source)
An event-based debug logger optimized for a continuously running application.
Blue Easy HTTP Client (Open Source) image Blue Easy HTTP Client (Open Source)
A lightweight wrapper around native HTTP Client, but with better parsing and debug log hooks
Better Drag and Drop image Better Drag and Drop
An improved drag/drop schema for listboxes and tree controls

Recent Posts

Support BOLD markdown
First, this package is genius. It takes way too many clicks to open and then edit VI descriptions,…

by Brent Justice, 2 years, 2 months ago, 5 , 1
Blue Run Log Viewer
A front-end viewing application for the *.lvrlog file format. This allows users to open and inspec…

by Brent Justice, 2 years, 2 months ago, 0 , 0
Blue Event Log Viewer
A front-end viewing application for the *.lvelog file format. This allows users to open and inspec…

by Brent Justice, 2 years, 2 months ago, 0 , 0