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I have been creating software for a living for two decades, working with NI and LabVIEW since 2007. For 20 years, I have been successfully delivering real-world software projects, always working closely together with my customers.


Published Packages

S7NetCom image S7NetCom
An open-source LabVIEW implementation of the S7 PLC network protocol using pure TCP/IP primitives, for talking to SIMATIC PLCs (and others) via Ethernet.
Release Automation Tools Documentr Template image Release Automation Tools Documentr Template
An asciidoc template for the HSE RAT Documentr tool
MySQLNetCom image MySQLNetCom
An open-source MySQL / MariaDB driver for LabVIEW using pure TCP/IP primitives.
myRIO LockInAmp image myRIO LockInAmp
Lock-In Amplifier implementation with myRIO. Example shows heart rate measurements. Supports myRIO-1900
Lumos API image Lumos API
Live message tracing of your DQMH-based applications
HSE Logger image HSE Logger
A flexible and extensible logging system inspired by the Python logging module.
HSE Layout Manager image HSE Layout Manager
A layout system for LabVIEW frontpanel objects (controls) inspired by Qt5 (
HSE-ify DQMH Tool image HSE-ify DQMH Tool
This VI package is deprecated.
HSE Flavour Scripting Tools for DQMH image HSE Flavour Scripting Tools for DQMH
Scripting Tools for the HSE Flavour of DQMH
HSE Core: Libraries image HSE Core: Libraries
The basis of all HSE applications: A collection of useful VIs developed over the years.
HSE Core: GenNet image HSE Core: GenNet
A collection of helper modules and libraries for our Generic Network DQMH modules.
HSE Core: Framework image HSE Core: Framework
The generic DQMH modules building the UI basis of the HSE Application Template.
HSE Core: DB image HSE Core: DB
Database drivers and DQMH modules for DB connectivity.
HSE Application Template Wizard image HSE Application Template Wizard
Provides a project template for creating new projects based on the HSE Application Template
GitLab API image GitLab API
Automate GitLab by using its simple and powerful REST API.
Git API image Git API
A collection of LabVIEW VIs for using the git command line client.
GI DAQ Library image GI DAQ Library
The driver package offers - HighSpeedPort data communication to Gantner-Instruments Q.series Controller via Ethernet (online read/write and buffered), - Buff…
DQMH Thermal Chamber Examples image DQMH Thermal Chamber Examples
Examples to illustrate how the DQMH modules could be used in a LabVIEW project or in a TestStand project
DQMH Project Template image DQMH Project Template
This package installs the DQMH Project Template in the Getting Started>>Create Project window
DQMH Palette image DQMH Palette
Contains the low level functions used to manage the DQMH queue and the Module Admin objects
DQMH Event Scripter image DQMH Event Scripter
This package installs the Tools>>DQMH Consortium>>DQMH Tools
DQMH Documentation image DQMH Documentation
This package installs the DQMH Documentation in the LabVIEW Help menu >> DQMH Consortium >> DQMH
DQMH CLI Module Validation image DQMH CLI Module Validation
DQMH(R) module validator tool via command line interface.
DQMH is the Future of Team-Based LabVIEW™ Development!


Recent Contributions

HSE-ify DQMH Tool image Joerg Hampel was on the development team for HSE-ify DQMH Tool v2.0.2.65.
HSE Flavour Scripting Tools for DQMH image Joerg Hampel was on the development team for HSE Flavour Scripting Tools for DQMH v1.0.0.6.
HSE-ify DQMH Tool image Joerg Hampel was on the development team for HSE-ify DQMH Tool v1.3.0.55.
HSE Core: GenNet image Joerg Hampel was on the development team for HSE Core: GenNet v1.0.1.35.
HSE Application Template Wizard image Joerg Hampel was on the development team for HSE Application Template Wizard v2.0.2.87.

Recent Posts

The HSE-ify Tool on YouTube
We've compiled a short video introducing our HSE-ify Tool, and how you can use it to easily and qui…

by Joerg Hampel, 2 years, 5 months ago, 0 , 0
HSE Open Source Survey 2022
Dear LabVIEW friends, at HSE, we are big believers in Inner Source (…

by Joerg Hampel, 2 years, 8 months ago, 0 , 0