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Advanced LabVIEW developer with a strong scientific background available for contract projects.

I started using LabVIEW in about 1998 while I was a nuclear physicist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley, California. I used it to manipulate and transport radioactive gases to create something called a radioactive ion beam. …

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Published Packages

SQLite Library image SQLite Library
SQLite database-in-a-file for LabVIEW
PostgreSQL Library image PostgreSQL Library
Wrapping of libPQ for PostgreSQL access
Messenger Library image Messenger Library
Advanced messaging made simple! (including easy TCP)
Malleable Buffer image Malleable Buffer
Circular Buffer of any data type, using VIMs (lets see what VIMs can do)
JSONtext image JSONtext
Fast JSON Library
API for working with JSON messages
JDP Science Common Utilities image JDP Science Common Utilities
Common Utilities used by JDP Science packages
Flatline Controls image Flatline Controls
Modified controls meant as a more modern "nearly-flat" style.
Cyth Logger (with SQLite) image Cyth Logger (with SQLite)
A logger and log viewer using an SQLite database.
Cyclic Table Probes image Cyclic Table Probes
History and Timing custom probes for rapid debugging.

Recent Contributions

Package Lists

Recent Posts

Actor to Actor communication (Messenger Library)
Demo of a ‘Top Level’ actor creating and communicating with an ‘Instrument’ actor. Shows Request-Re…

by James Powell, 2 years, 8 months ago, 0 , 0
Messenger Library for LabVIEW: Quick Introduction
A quick introduction to “Messenger Library” for LabVIEW. Wiki:…

by James Powell, 2 years, 8 months ago, 0 , 0
Messenger Library Instructional Videos
There are about 10 instructional videos on YouTube. The example project that is developed in these…

by James Powell, 4 years, 6 months ago, 0 , 3
User Group for JDP Science Tools at
A User Group for questions and discussions about packages by JDP Science, such as SQLite Library, J…

by James Powell, 4 years, 6 months ago, 0 , 0