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VIA Plus by Shirey Studios - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download
VI Analyzer Plus as Project priority analyzation with tooling for VI and Control editors to generate reports.

Version | |
Released | Jan 14, 2025 |
Publisher | Shirey Studios |
License | MIT |
LabVIEW Version | LabVIEW>=23.1 |
Operating System | Windows |
Dependencies | mgi_lib_file mgi_lib_error_handling mgi_lib_cluster oglib_error oglib_array mgi_lib_string mgi_lib_read_write_anything sklein_lib_webview2 oglib_string oglib_lvdata |
Project links | Homepage Discussion |
VIA Plus was created with the intent of running VI Analyzer as a code review process for developers, team leads, and reviewers. The results of NI VI Analyzer by nature are interactive to find and fix the issues but doesn’t re-analyze easily. VIA Plus solves just as interactive as re-running VI Analyzer and using several tools available to ease the pain of documentation and reporting within the LabVIEW Development environment.
VIA Plus provides a project based settings to run VI Analyzer at thresholds at High, Normal and Low priorities. Add your own scripting tools to improve your code. Eaisly import/export your project settings for each repo to easily track your VIA configurations and files to load. Add several VI Analyzer configurations and view each test, rank and descriptions and report the configurations in MS Excel, MS Word or HTML. Load your source by a lvproj, lvlib, lvlibp, lvclass or by folders or active. Filter your source to include/exclude based on folder names, folder paths or bookmarks. Analyze and view the results per priority and thresholds to export a report in Text, HTML, RSL formats.
VIA Plus offers (3) tools to assist in documentation for your VIs, Controls and generating reports.
- Report Descriptions: Generate a comprehensive report of all your LabVIEW documentation, including descriptions and tip strips, into a Developer, Product, or Custom MS Word report using your template.
- Edit VI Descriptions: Edit and review all VI and TypeDef descriptions in a single window while simultaneously viewing the front panel, block diagram, and connector pane help.
- Edit Control Descriptions Edit and review all TypeDef and VI controls and indicators, including nested objects, with comprehensive filtering options for visibility, TypeDef/Strict/Not, and empty descriptions or tip strips.
VIA Plus also offers scripting to automate lengthy editing tasks, update and generate new code. Use the built in scripts or add your own using the template in the Project Settings.
- Apply_Password.vi Apply a Password to all LabVIEW source elements as locked or unlock with an empty password.
- Bookmark Icon Border Frame.vi Search VIs that match a list of Bookmarks. Inspect the matching VI for an Icon Border with the color, add an Icon Border color if it's missing. Inspect for a block diagram frame matching the color, add a frame at top left of the bookmark if missing.
- Bookmarks Alter or Remove.vi Fetch or manually enter Bookmarks and the Status value. Choose to alter, update, or remove bookmark tags, status, and text.
- Disable_Auto_Error.vi Disable the NI Automatic Error Handling for all LabVIEW Source elements.
- Flags Error In Label.vi Any error cluster control on the front panel labeled "error in" is re-labeled as "error in (no error)".
- Flags No Error Label.vi Any error cluster control on the front panel labeled "error in (no error)" is re-labeled as "error in".
- Move_to_Primary_Monitor.vi If a front panel or block diagram is not drawn fully on the primary workspace, move it to 0,0 and keep the size <= to the primary workspace.
- Output CallLibrary Function.vi Search the BD for CallLibraryNodes and add a string constant #CLNodeFunctionName containing all Function Names or just the VI Name. Wire it to an output string and add to the first open bottom right connector pane for an output. Only perform this action is we don't find the string constant label #CLNodeFunctionName. Option to remove the selection, cleanup BD only if adding content.
- Report_Globals.vi Report all NI Global file types, which global function is called, read/write, and where each instance is used for all LabVIEW source elements.
- Report_Libraries.vi Report all libraries & classes: name, version, description, friend and path for all LabVIEW source elements.
- Set Allow Debugging.vi Set to allow debugging or not for all LabVIEW Source elements.
- Set Auto Grow Off.vi Turn off Auto Grow on all structures on the block diagram.
- Set CallLibrary Threading.vi Set reentrancy to Shared Clone, Preallocated Clone, or Non-reentrant execution.
- Set FP BD Grid Size.vi Set the Front Panel Grid Size and the Block Diagram Grid Size to the setting for all VIs. Counts all VIs updated if the settings were altered.
- Set Separated Compiled Code.vi Separate Compiled Code for all LabVIEW Source elements.
- Set_Priority and System.vi Set priority (Background, Normal, Above Normal, High, Time critical, Subroutine) and execution system (Same as caller, Standard, Instrument IO, DAQ, Other 1, Other 2, User Interface) of all loaded items to a new priority and execution system.
- Set_Priority.vi Set priority of all loaded items to a new priority: Background, Normal, Above Normal, High, Time critical, Subroutine.
- Set_Reentrant.vi Set reentrancy to Shared Clone, Preallocated Clone, or Non-reentrant execution.
- Unset Separated Compiled Code.vi Turn Off the Separate Compiled Code for all LabVIEW Source elements.
Release Notes
- Improved state message and splitter position offsets.
- Improved the time elapsed with a state message tracking notifier.
Project Settings
- Added a checkbox to ignore password protected VIs and a dialog to enter them.
- Added a start folder to keep track of saved report locations for file dialogs.
Report Generation
- Improved performance for MS Word reporting and resolved memory leaks.
- Fixed abbreviated paths by Folder and list as bullets.