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SEA 802.11p Add-On for LabVIEW - RF-COMPLIANCE API by S.E.A. Datentechnik GmbH - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Version | |
Released | Apr 22, 2022 |
Publisher | S.E.A. Datentechnik GmbH |
License | Not Specified |
LabVIEW Version | LabVIEW>=14.0 |
Operating System | Windows |
Project links | Homepage |
The SEA 802.11p Add-On for LabVIEW - RFC API delivers a suite to build V2X (Vehicle-To-Anything) related applications in LabVIEW. This package provides: (1) RFC functions palette (API) for measurement and validation of RF-signals, (2) Host Control Manager (HCM-RFC) as abstraction layer beween the APIs and the local V2X communication hardware, (3) examples, (4) user documentation.
Compatible OS Versions: Windows 7, Windows 10
Software Requirements:
- LabVIEW RTE 2015 SP1 (required for HCM)
- NI-VST 15 (or higher) Instrument Design Libraries (required for HCM) for NI PXIe-5644
- NI-USRP 15 (or higher) Instrument Driver Software (required for HCM) for NI USRP-92953/54
Hardware Requirements:
- NI PXIe-5644 (VST) or
- NI USRP-2953/54 (SDR)
Important Notes:
1. HCM requires activation for operation after a 30-days trial period.
2. Older versions of the HCM are not automatically uninstalled during this installation, so multiple versions can co-exist. If older versions are no more used we strongly recommend to uninstall them to keep the system clean.
Compatibility Note:
HCM 1.8.x is compatible with older versions of the 802.11p API (1.7.x or older). However, the new 802.11p API (starting from 1.8.x) must be used with the HCM version 1.8.x or newer.
Release Notes
Current Version (1.10.0):
1. API function 'Close' executes independently of 'error in' [VTOXAWGI-182, 166]
2. Cosmetic changes according to NI-Tools Network review [VTOXAWGI-181]
3. Update to add 'Measurement Trigger' and 'Measurement Length' to list of parameters [VTOXAWGI-179, 178]
4. Update to 'Get Version' call to return complete version string [VTOXAWGI-177]
5. Default value for TZSP changed [VTOXAWGI-174]
6. MON API figures corrected in the manual [VTOXAWGI-173]
7. Adaptation of text references in the manual according to new HCM title [VTOXAWGI-165]
8. Quick-Start-Guide for MON corrected in the manual [VTOXAWGI-164]
9. Improvements for calculation MIN/MAX of power spectrum [VTOXAWGI-162]
10. Note for Mass Compile added to manuals [VTOXAWGI-161]
11. Interval for sending out messages defined in Packet Replay [VTOXAWGI-149]
12. HCM improvements [VTOXHCMWGI-147, 146, 142, 140, 139, 138, 137, 130, 129, 128,122, 76]
Old Version (1.9.2):
1: Update to CEM API references to avoid duplicates with LTE-V [VTOXAWGI-169]
Old Version (1.9.1):
1. New feature 'Channel Emulation' (CEM) added. Contains a new tab in the HCM and additional parameters in the COM-API [VTOXAWGI-168]
2. HCM improvements [VTOXHCMWGI-135, 136, 141, 143, 144, 145]
Old Version (1.8.0):
1. Internal code improvement [VTOXAWGI-157]
2. RFC-API: "Failure samples from Spectrum Mask Eval. may have a frequency offset" fixed [VTOXAWGI-155]
3. Examples: Control renamed (Listen IP Address) [VTOXAWGI-154]
4. Manual improvements [VTOXAWGI-153, 149]
5. MON-API: Packet Replay: interval for sending out messages added [VTOXAWGI-149]
6. Improvements (not yet finally resolved) regarding fast calls [VTOXAWGI-28]
7. HCM improvements [VTOXHCMWGI-127, 124, 123, 122 (not yet finally resolved), 118, 15]
Old Version (1.7.1):
1. Product renaming according to NI requirements [VTOXAWGI-150, 147, 146]
2. Error 5000 reading measurement data - error handling improved [VTOXAWGI-145]
3. Small corrections in user manual [VTOXAWGI-144]
4. Typo correction in the package (VIP) description [VTOXAWGI-143]
5. RFC-API: new function 'power versus time' [VTOXAWGI-140]
6. Paralell usage of USRP and VST fixed [VTOXAWGI-49]
7. Improvement in 'Get/Set Parameter' eaxmple [VTOXAWGI-26]
8. HCM improvements [VTOXHCMWGI-105, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117]
Old Version (1.7.0):
1. COMMS-API: Default timeout incremented to 1000 ms (was 100 ms) in Get/Set Parameter API functions [VTOXAWGI-139]
2. Package documentation improved [VTOXAWGI-138, 137, 136, 135, 134, 133, 132, 131, 130, 129, 128, 126, 122, 121, 102, 90, 93, 89]
3. Licensing model changed [VTOXAWGI-118, 94]
4. Installer enabled for LabVIEW 64-bit versions [VTOXAWGI-116]
5. HCM-Installer included [VTOXAWGI-94]
Old Version (1.6.5):
2. Software manual revamped [VTOXAWGI-41], [VTOXAWGI-56], [VTOXAWGI-65], [VTOXAWGI-66], [VTOXAWGI-69], [VTOXAWGI-72]
3. COMMS API: Parameter 'Packet Replay Current Time' added [VTOXAWGI-44/46]
4. COMMS API: Parameter 'Packet Replay busy' added [VTOXAWGI-45]
5. COMMS API: Parameter 'QoS Data Enable' added [VTOXAWGI-47]
6. COMMS API: Parameter 'Rx IQ data overflows' added [VTOXAWGI-48]
7. COMMS API: Parameter 'MAC Address ACK Filtering' added [VTOXAWGI-51] - Only preparation for future use, not usable at present.
8. COMMS API: Parameter 'Reset Time DefaultValue' added [VTOXAWGI-52]
9. Context Help - 'Detailed help' added (linked to the software manual) [VTOXAWGI-60]
10. Missing f_c in eval_cfo fixed [VTOXAWGI-64]
11. Example VIs: documentation improved [VTOXAWGI-67]
12. Channel Power (CHP) calculation: missing ENBW added [VTOXAWGI-73]
13. API I/F revamped (Labels, Descriptions, Alignment, Style) [VTOXCRIOGI-79], [VTOXCRIOGI-80]. Note: changed labels in cluster structures can lead to broken code, i.e. when 'unbundle by name' is used. In order to fix this please reselect the cluster element by its new name.
14. Timeout default values changed to meaningful values (was infinitely, -1) [VTOXAWGI-84]
Old Version (1.6.3):
1. User manual reworked for current software version [VTOXCOMGI-34]
2. New example created: Get Measurement [VTOXCOMGI-32]
Old Version (1.6.2):
1. Bugfix for UDP packet data loss when using GET.measurement [VTOXCOMGI-39]