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QSI Format Toolbar by Q Software Innovations, LLC - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Formatting Toolbar for LabVIEW

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ReleasedOct 16, 2020
Publisher Q Software Innovations, LLC
License Revised BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=18.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Project links Homepage   Repository  


The Format Toolbar is a floating toolbar that can be running in the background during development. It allows the developer to add:
" Add Bold, Italic, and Underline to text in Controls, Indicators, and Text
" Change the Justification between Left, Center, and Right
" Set Text, Foreground, or Background Colors (if available for the object)
" Change Font Size
" Change Font (supports all installed fonts in the Windows OS)

The Format Toolbar is launchable in two ways:
1. Through the Tools Menu at: Tools->QSI Tools->Format Toolbar…
2. Through a Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcut (QDKS) of Ctrl-1

Release Notes (Oct 16, 2020)

Fixed Sizing problem.
Now in LabVIEW 2018.
Set to close if only thing running.

q was a contributor to this release

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