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Caraya JUnit for Azure Pipelines by PNR - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Generate JUnit test reports for Azure Pipelines

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ReleasedApr 24, 2024
Publisher PNR
License BSD-3-Clause
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=13.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Dependencies jki_lib_caraya  
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Caraya JUnit for Azure Pipelines is a test report extension for Caraya that generates JUnit test reports compatible with Azure Pipelines. Test reports are generated according to the JUnit result format and can be published to Azure Pipelines using the Publish Test Result v2 task.

Release Notes (Apr 24, 2024)

* [#5] New error conversion algorithm that provides more insightful results for standard errors, .NET exceptions, and Call Library Function Node exceptions and takes custom error codes into account.

logmanoriginal was a contributor to this release

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