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Dependency Inspector by PantherLAB - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Dependency Inspector, searches all the libraries/clases in a project and finds its dependencies.

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ReleasedOct 14, 2024
Publisher PantherLAB
License BS3
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=20.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Dependencies delacor_lib_qmh   graphbuilder  
Project links Homepage   Documentation   Repository   Discussion


Simple Dependency Inspector for LabVIEW

Open-source LabVIEW tool designed to simplify the process of understanding LabVIEW files dependencies. By creating a clear 2D visualization of your selected files relationships you can quickly identify potential issues and optimize your code structure.

This tool employs a private linker method to analyze the relationships between LabVIEW files. This method requires a LabVIEW file (VI, LVlib, LVclass, or CTL) as input and generates an array containing all the links associated with that file. A key advantage of this method is that it does not necessitate opening the LabVIEW file itself.

Graphviz dependency
This tool relies on Graphviz open source tool.

This tool detects if Graphviz is installed, if not, it enables a button to run a command to install it, acept the install if you want to use this tool.
After installing no internet is required, everything will work localy.

For Linux, it will pop up the instructions to install graphviz, sudo access required.

Getting Started
Open LabVIEW and go to Tools–>PantherLAB–>Simple Dependency Inspector

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Release Notes (Oct 14, 2024)

[#1] removed access to public web service, instead this version works with graphviz localy.

enrique , matthiasbaudot and derrickb were contributors to this release

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