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OPAL-RT eHS by OPAL-RT Technologies - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

OPAL-RT eHS Toolkit, allowing for easy integration of the OPAL-RT eHS Solver which is an optimized generic & reprogrammable FPGA-based electrical solver

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ReleasedApr 11, 2019
Publisher OPAL-RT Technologies
License OPAL-RT License Agreement
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW x86>=16.0
Operating System Windows
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Note: This installer requires VIPM to be run with Administrator privileges. To do so, close VIPM & LabVIEW, right-click the VIPM shortcut, and select "Run As Administrator".

The eHS Solver is a generic and reprogrammable FPGA-based algorithm that enables a user to simulate circuits designed with SimScape Power System Simulink toolbox, PSIM, PLECS Blockset, or NI Multisim on FPGA with a sample time in the submicrosecond domain without needing to implement the mathematical equations. The eHS API provides access to VIs and controls that allow the OPAL-RT eHS solver to be implemented on NI FPGA targets. The API is composed of three main libraries: eHS Stream Generation, eHS Host, and eHS FPGA VIs.

Operating Systems:
- Windows 7
- Windows 10

National Instruments Software:
- LabVIEW 2016 (+)
- LabVIEW Real-Time Module 2016 (+)
- LabVIEW FPGA Module 2016 (+)
- VI Package Manager 18.0.0 f2 (+)

National Instruments Hardware:
- NI Kintex7 FPGA Target (i.e PXIe-7976R, PXIe-7858R, etc.)

OPAL-RT Software:
- OPAL-RT Utilities Toolkit
- OPAL-RT MATLAB Interface
- OPAL-RT License Framework

Other Software:
- MATLAB Runtime version 9.1
- SimScape Power System Simulink Toolbox, PSIM, PLECS Simulink Blockset, or NI Multisim

Release Notes (Apr 11, 2019)

First release of the OPAL-RT eHS Toolkit. Adds support for:
- eHSx64, allowing up to 32 Sources, 32 Measurements, and 72 Switches in the circuit model
- eHSx128, allowing up to 128 Sources, 128 Measurements, and 144 Switches in the circuit model
- Scenarios, which allows the user to add on-the-fly faulting capabilities to the simulation

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