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NI Streaming 5840 Host by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

This package installs DMA streaming example code for Second-Generation VST devices.

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ReleasedMar 11, 2020
Publisher NI
License NI Sample Code License
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=18.0
Operating System Windows
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This example uses an FPGA Extensions Bitfile to extend the DMA streaming capability of Vector Signal Transceiver to 1.25 GSps(Giga Samples per second). For DMA streaming (record and playback), 64-bit LabVIEW is highly recommended.

This package supports the following NI Hardware:
NI PXIe-5820
NI PXIe-5830
NI PXIe-5831
NI PXIe-5840
NI PXIe-5841

This package requires the following NI Software:
LabVIEW 2018 (32 or 64 bit) or later. 64-bit is recommended for stream to disk applications.
NI-RFSA 19.1 or later
NI-RFSG 19.1 or later
NI-Common Instrument Design Libraries 18.3 or later
NI-FlexRIO 18.0 (For bit-packing DLL)

Release Notes (Mar 11, 2020)

Version 19.1 adds support for NI-RFSA/RFSG 19.1.

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