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NI RTSA Example Host by NI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

This package installs a host example for controlling the NI RTSA FPGA bitfile.

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ReleasedOct 15, 2018
Publisher NI
License NI Sample Code License
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=14.0
Operating System Windows
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This package install host example code for deploying an RTSA personality to several NI Kintex 7 user programmable FPGA targets.

This package requries the following NI software:
LabVIEW 2014
NI RFSA 14.1
NI FlexRIO 14.1

This package requires the following NI hardware
PXIe-5840 or
PXIe-5668R or

PXIe-5644R/45R/46R or


PXIe-7975R/76R or

This package provides multiple examples that provide basic RTSA functionality, including persistence, spectrogram,and trace math plots, as well as frequency mask triggering. The RTSA functionality exists exclusively as a bitfile for the PXIe-7976R, which recieves data via a peer-to-peer stream.

The package installs examples for performing each of these functions, as well as a demo panel which combines these features into one application.

To remain in compliance with US export control laws, the 100% POI duration is not better than 20 us under any circumstances. If better performance is needed, please contact NI directly.

Release Notes (Oct 15, 2018) no release notes for this version

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