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Beamforming and Direction Finding by Ngene - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Beamforming and Direction FindingToolkit for LabVIEW.

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ReleasedDec 05, 2019
Publisher Ngene
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=16.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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Beamforming and Direction Finding Toolkit (BFDOA) is a LabVIEW add-on that helps to apply standard beamforming algorithms over a waveforms from phase synchronous array of sensors to spatially filter (steer array directivity) or find DOA (Direction of Arrival) of incident signals.

Toolkit provides set of VIs for performing a list of common beamforming and direction finding algorithms in LabVIEW:

1. DAS BeamFormer

BeamScan(Direction finding algorithms):
1. DAS - Delay and Sum (Time Domain or Wideband)
2. Conventional/Bartlett (Frequency Domain or Narrowband)
3. MUSIC Multiple Signal Classification (Frequency Domain or Narrowband)
4. MVDR - Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (Frequency Domain or Narrowband)

Also the toolkit incorporates possibilities to simulate the Sensor Array for optimal array geometry type, sensor coordinate and algorithm performance evaluation.

The toolkit comes with a set of examples demonstrating the usage of Toolkit VIs.

The computer you are using must meet the following minimum system requirements to run the Beamforming and Direction Finding Toolkit:
• Windows 10 x64.
• LabVIEW 2016 (32 bit and 64 bit) and above.

Supported Targets
• Windows based systems.
• NI Real-Time Targets.

Release Notes (Dec 05, 2019)

1. Added API for beamforming (spatial filtering).
2. Restructured API VIs.
3. Added non-normalized outputs for beamscan functions.
4. Restructured help document.
5. Added new example.
6. Redesigned API VI icons.

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