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TestStandifier for DQMH by Neosoft Technologies - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

TestStandifier is a tool that adapts a DQMH module to be efficiently called from TestStand

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ReleasedSep 24, 2024
Publisher Neosoft Technologies
License EULA
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=20.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Dependencies wiresmith_technology_lib_g_cli   delacor_lib_dqmh_toolkit   neosoft_technologies_inc_error_dialog_with_copy_to_clipboard  
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- This tool requires TestStand 2020 (or later) to be installed before executing it!
- TestStandifier v1.5 does not support arrays of clusters. This will be implemented later.

TestStandifier is a tool that adapts a DQMH module to be efficiently called from TestStand.
From a valid DQMH module, it will :
- Create a source distribution
- Modify Requests and Replies to add TestStand Termination Monitoring
- Insert the tester into the module's library
- Create a PPL from the modified code
- Create a sequence file and sequence calls for Requests
- Map the VI IOs to Sequence Parameters
- Create code to launch and sync a module
- Create code to launch and stop the module's tester
- Create a PostStepRunTimeError callback within the sequence file

Release Notes (Sep 24, 2024)

1. Fixed bug where the DQMH validator UI would be displayed when using CLI mode.
2. Changed Product Name to comply with DQMH Consortium rules.

cyril-gambini and dany-baron were contributors to this release

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