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MGI Read/Write Anything by MGI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Read/Write Anything VIs

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ReleasedSep 08, 2016
Publisher MGI
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=9.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Used By mediamongrels_ltd_lib_websockets_secure_addon   shireystudios_lib_via_plus  
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Almost every application needs to save information in files, and the question we developers face is what file format to use. Configuration files (aka .ini files) have the advantages of flexibility, human readability, familiarity to users, and natural mechanisms for forward and backward compatibility. Until now, their main weakness has been performance for even modest data sets. The MGI Read/Write Anything VIs provide huge performance gains (in some cases, more than 500x) for reading and writing configuration style files compared to existing solutions. This opens up the possibility of using them for medium and large data files, not just for small configuration files.

NOTE: VIPM 2014 or later is required to install this package.

Release Notes (Sep 08, 2016)

Improve consistency of MGI prefix usage in palettes

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