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StellaGNSS by M3 Systems - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

M3 Systems's Stella NGC Toolkit product is a GNSS simulator which generates RF signals, thereby simulating a complete set of navigation satellite constellation signals (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo).

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ReleasedDec 26, 2019
Publisher M3 Systems
License StellaGNSS Toolkit License Agreement
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=15.0
Operating System Windows
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M3 Systems's Stella NGC Toolkit product is a GNSS simulator which generates RF signals, thereby simulating a complete set of navigation satellite constellation signals (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo). Given a user-defined trajectory, the simulator provides to the user's GNSS-receiver-under-test, the set of GNSS RF-signals that are truly expected to be received on that given trajectory.
The following are the available features:

- Constellation configurability: GPS, Galileo, GLONASS.

- Receiver trajectory may be imported from file, defined parametrically or sent as frames via TCP sockets in closed loop mode.

- Receiver attitude is fully configurable in evolving roll, pitch and yaw or automatically computed by the simulator. Other pre-defined attitudes can be selected such as Earth Center pointing, Sun Pointing.

- Receiver antenna pointing and offset position are configurable as well as the antenna gain pattern.

- The formatted Trajectory output data flow is available in real-time and provides the receiver's motion: 3D position, velocity, acceleration and jerk. Also available is the receiver's attitude (roll, pitch, yaw) and associated velocity, acceleration and jerk.

- The GNSS Model software output data flow is available in real-time: each channel provides information concerning a single satellite where its GNSS raw data is provided. These include Pseudoranges, Phase information, Dopplers, and Received Powers.

- The TCP socket communication allows the SW application to be deported to a separate CPU other than the one controlling the HW.

- Real-time monitoring of receiver position, and generated satellite GNSS raw data.

To use the StellaNGC Toolkit, a separate application needs to be downloaded and installed: it is M3 System's StellaNGC Simulator Engine. This application is available from the NI Tools Network.

Release Notes (Dec 26, 2019) no release notes for this version

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