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LabVIEW-Version-Selector by NEVSTOP-LAB - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Version | |
Released | Dec 02, 2022 |
Publisher | NEVSTOP-LAB |
License | MIT |
LabVIEW Version | LabVIEW>=14.0 |
Operating System | Windows |
Dependencies | jki_lib_state_machine jki_rsc_toolkits_palette oglib_appcontrol oglib_error oglib_lvdata oglib_string oglib_variantconfig |
Project links | Homepage Repository |
LabVIEW Version Selector
Automatically Select the correct LabVIEW version to open LabVIEW files.
Related filetypes of: `.lvproj`/`.lvlib`/`.lvclass`/`.llb`/`.vi`/`.vit`/`.ctl`/`.xctl`/`.lvlibp`/`.lvtest`
After `LabVIEW Version Selector.exe` is used to open file of those types, you have a chance to see the file's saved version and option to choose LabVIEW version to be used.

## Development Envrionment
- LabVEW 2014
- VIPM 2020.3
### Dependencies
- [OpenG Libraries](http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/zhs/nid/209027)
- [JKI State Machine](https://github.com/JKISoftware/JKI-State-Machine)
## Attention
1. Please follow the instruction of post-installation action to associate related file extensions with the built exe. If you have concern on the registry operation , another opition is to manually import the install.reg file after check on it.
2. LabVIEW in these folders will be discovered:
- C:\Program Files\National Instruments
- C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments
- D:\Program Files\National Instruments
- D:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments
- E:\Program Files\National Instruments
- E:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments
- F:\Program Files\National Instruments
- F:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments