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Circular Chart Base by KIT.X - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

The Circular Chart Add-On provides an easy way to create high quality circular charts.

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ReleasedDec 25, 2018
Publisher KIT.X
License EULA
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=14.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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The Circular Chart Add-On provides an easy way to create high quality circular charts with features such as anti-aliased and translucence, helps you to deal with the boring and time-consuming drawing details.

- Supports multiple types of charts, such as pie chart, doughnut chart, polar area chart, circular bar chart, circular slide, graduated gauge chart, etc.
- Multiple types of chart elements can be configured and added to the chart, such as legend, scale, grid, slider, digital, decoration, etc.
- Three modes for different overlapping and connecting relationships between slices.
- Most properties of chart objects are customizable.
- Charts can export images for reporting, and their styles can also be saved as files for reusing and sharing.
- Easy to use, and you can quick-start your development based on several build-in styles.

How to Use
- The Circular Chart Add-On is ultimately defined as a single control. After installation you can find it in the Addons category of LabVIEW Controls palette.
- Being edited or loaded with different styles, the chart can be presented in the different types listed above, or even more.
- The chart style is configured by the Chart Style Designer dialog box, which can be displayed through the right-click menu of the chart, similar to the Properties dialog box of the LabVIEW controls.
- After configured, the style can be saved into the chart instance in your VI and automatically reloaded the next time.
- The data type of the chart is 2-D array of SGL numeric. Each row of the array corresponds to a slice in turn, and each column corresponds to a slice parameter you specify in the Chart Style Designer, the available slice parameters include start angle, end angle, inner radius, and outer radius.

Release Notes (Dec 25, 2018) no release notes for this version

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