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JKI State Machine Editor by JKI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Select a Case or Event structure and Ctrl+Space then Ctrl+J to launch the JKI SM Helper

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ReleasedJun 20, 2018
Publisher JKI
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=13.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Project links Homepage  


Makes working with the JKI State Machine very easy.

How to use:

Launching the Tool via Right-Click
1) Right-click on a State String, Case Structure, or Event Structure to launch JKI SM Editor

Launching the Tool via QuickDrop:
1) Select a Case Structure or Event Structure
2) Press Control+Space then Control+J
3) Enjoy increased productivity working with your Case/Event structure

Using the Tool:
- Select an item in the tree to make that fram visible
- Click back and forward to navigate the history
- Drag and drop frames to reorganize the order
- Right-click on items in the tree-view to rename, duplicate, delete, etc.
- Right-click on a state string and choose Goto State Frame to jump to that frame of the JKI SM.
- Right click on a state string or frame and choose Find Callers to find all callers of a state
- Right-click on a bundle or unbundle by name and choose Find Data Accessors to find all accessors of the data.

Special thanks to Jim Carmody for open sourcing his CaseSelect tool as a launching off point for the JKI SM Editor.

Release Notes

2013.6.3.241 (Jun 20, 2018)

New Feature: Insert "Add State(s) to Queue" right-click menu on state string wires
- Should just work as you might expect :-)

Fixes and Tweaks
- Fixed issue where Add Dynamic Events would sometimes show error message after confirmation dialog
- Fixes for issue where sometimes LabVIEW would crash when right-click on JKI SM parts

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