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JKI Magic Delay Fairy (QD Plug-in) by JKI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Version | |
Released | Apr 01, 2015 |
Publisher | JKI |
License | BSD |
LabVIEW Version | LabVIEW>=13.0 |
Operating System | Windows, Mac, and Linux |
Dependencies | oglib_time |
Project links | Documentation |
About this tool:
The Magic Delay Fairy fixes race conditions in your code by inserting magical delays into your code that are specifically tuned using advanced magical algorithms to fix your race conditions. Don't ask how it works, because it's magic.
How to use this tool:
Hit Ctrl+ to invoke QuickDrop then press Ctrl+F to invoke the Magic Delay Fairy and watch her do her magic. Before invoking the MDF, select error clusters to insert delays on error clusters, select objects to insert delays next to objects, or select nothing to place a delay on your block diagram. Delays are random, because that's how the magic works.
Thanks to:
- Norm Kirchner for doing the magic fairy dance
- The guy whose face is on Norm's presentation about the Magic Delay Fairy (we'll update this description later)
- Gavin Burnell for awesome Scripting Tools.
- Brian Hoover (hooovahh) and Yair on LAVA for help getting screen coordinates of GObject on Block Diagram
- Darren Nattinger (dnatt) for making QuickDrop awesomeness
- Everyone at JKI who contributed to this tool.
Release Notes
Recent Posts
Magic Fairy Demo
JKI is pleased to announce the release of the new Magic Delay Fairy Tool for LabVIEW, a revolution… by Jim Kring, 4 years, 1 month ago, 0 |