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VIPM Desktop by JKI - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

The VIPM Desktop app lets you install add-ons directly into LabVIEW, manage your projects, build and share packages, and much more...

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ReleasedMay 05, 2020
Publisher JKI
License VIPM SLA
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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The VIPM Desktop app lets you install add-ons directly into LabVIEW, manage your projects, build and share packages, and much more...

Release Notes

2020.0.0.0 (May 05, 2020)

VIPM 2020 is a major release for Windows that brings a completely refreshed visual design, and streamlined workflows for finding, installing, and using LabVIEW add-ons. It also adds performance improvements and fixes some bugs. It is recommended that all VIPM users on Windows upgrade.

Note: VIPM 2020 for Mac and Linux are not yet released. Stay tuned.

Note: You will need an active VIPM Pro subscription in order to activate VIPM 2020 into Pro Edition.

What's New
- Support for LabVIEW 2020 - VIPM 2020 adds support for LabVIEW 2020. In order to best support our customers and ensure LabVIEW compatibility, VIPM supports new versions of LabVIEW as they are released. There are many instances where older versions of VIPM do not work well with newer versions of LabVIEW, due to changes in where/how LabVIEW and its files get installed.
- VIPM Browser - The new VIPM Browser window enables fast online search for LabVIEW add-ons as well as features to see what's popular and share your favorite packages with others.
- VIPM Community Edition - VIPM 2020 allows activation in Community Edition mode, for building free, open source packages to share with the community, as well as other non-commercial, non-academic use.
- Fresh New UI Design - We've restyled VIPM with a new visual design utilizing the JKI Flat UI 2.0 Controls.
- System Tray icon (Windows) - Windows notifications for package installation complete
- Faster launch time (Windows) - VIPM now launches much faster when the Windows System Tray icon is active.
- Automatic LabVIEW version switching (Windows) -- VIPM knows which LabVIEW version you’re actively using and installs packages into that version.
- G Interfaces (OOP) Support - We've added support for the new “Interfaces” object-oriented programming (OOP) feature in LabVIEW 2020.
- Malleable VIs Improved Support - We've improved support for Malleable VIs in Packages
- Installer improvements - VIPM 2020 now uses the LabVIEW 2019 Run-Time Engine.
- Search improvements - Items in quotes are treated as a single term, other improvements to give better search results, VIPM Browser online search.
- Improved Scan for Package Dependencies in VI Package Configurations (and in VI Package Builder dependencies) - Now handles classes (lvclass) and library (lvlib) member dependencies better.
- Performance improvements - Improvements to memory usage, package search, and more.
- Various Minor Fixes - fixes to various minor issues reported by users.

Compatibility Note
- Packages built with VIPM 2020 can only be installed on VIPM 2017 or newer. Packages built with VIPM 2020 cannot be installed on versions of VIPM 2016 or older. Details.

Known Issues
- 13790: VI Package Builder - This issue affects package building of classes. The issue appears to be isolated to VIPM. It's possible to build a package where members of a friend class cannot access members of a community scoped class. This occurs if you set a password on the community scoped class in the VIPM source files settings page.

Purchase for $399 USD Purchase for $599 USD

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