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IG Flex Channel Examples by Illuminated G - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Examples for the Flex Channel Template in IG Flex Channel

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ReleasedMar 01, 2022
Publisher Illuminated G
License MIT
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=20.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Dependencies illuminatedg_lib_flexchannels  
Project links Homepage   Repository  


Provides more real-world usage of the Flex Channel template with multiple data types and demonstrates the multiple reader endpoint types. The examples can be found by clicking the Examples button in the package info from VIPM after installing.

The current demo is a somewhat of an Actor-Oriented DAQ Test Panel that leverages the Flex Channel template instead of Actor Framework as the communication mechanism. The top level UI utilizes a nested actor to manage the UI and manage the other two actors: a function generation actor and a DAQmx output actor. The generation and output actors are completely independent of each other but the channel layout allows the generation data to be previewed by a lossy endpoint in the UI as well as send lossless data directly to the output actor.

Release Notes (Mar 01, 2022) no release notes for this version
derrickb was a contributor to this release

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