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Haro3D by HaroTek - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

3D Visualization, Microsoft Hololens, Kinect, and Oculus Rift DK2 API

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ReleasedJan 26, 2018
Publisher HaroTek
License Not Specified
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=16.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Project links Homepage  


*** This package must be installed with VIPM version 2014 or later ***

Haro3D from HaroTek LLC

Kinect and Oculus VIs are only available on Windows 8 and later OS.

Notice that this package does not contain the drivers required for the operation of the Kinect and of the Oculus Rift DK2. Information about the installation of those drivers can be found in the manual or in the file Haro3D installation.txt, located in the LabVIEW toolkit top directory.

For the LabVIEW functionalities to operate with the Hololens; the Haro3D app, freely available from the Microsoft store, is required to run on the Hololens.

Some functionalities of the library requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 or later.

Version 2.2

Requires the Haro3D app version 2.2 for the Hololens functionalities.

Haro3D is a library developed by HaroTek LLC to access some functionalities of the Microsoft Hololens, Kinect 2 and of the Oculus Rift DK2. Haro3D gives access to the following functionalities:

For the Microsoft Hololens

- Upload of 3D Objects (mesh, cylinder, box, and sphere)
- Voice commands
- Voice response
- Multi-line, 1-Button, and 2-Button dialogs
- Feedback within LabVIEW from Hololens Manipulations
- Environment mapping
- Sharing of holograms among several Hololens
- Cloning of holograms on the Hololens
- Image capture from Hololens RGB camera, including holograms

For the Kinect 2:

- Bodies (skeletons)
- Cloud of points (including colors)
- Color Image
- Depth
- Infrared
- 3D volume reconstruction
- Audio beam.

For the Oculus Rift DK2:

- Position and orientation tracking information
- Distortion correction mesh.

In addition, Haro3D provides VI's to display, save, and read Cloud of points and Meshes. Meshes can be created from a .OBJ-format file.


Release Notes (Jan 26, 2018)

Version 2.2.0

- New VI to read QR codes
- New ability to clone holograms into Hololens
- New VI to programmatically start surface mapping on Hololens
- New VI to capture image from RGB camera of Hololens, with or without holograms.

Version 2.1.0

- New ability to share holograms and coordinate system among several Hololens
- Hololens Manipulation provides absolute hand position
- Hololens Hold and Manipulation provides a status
- New ability to generate meshes of simple shapes
- New voice commands can be added to Hololens
- Panels can be moved to a fixed position

Version 2.0.0

- New API for the Microsoft Hololens
- Creation of 3D objects for the Hololens and LabVIEW 3D Picture Objects

Version 1.3.0

- New command for Kinect Cloud API that uses User Events
- New example of Acquisition of Clouds from the Kinect
- Requires Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable instead of Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable

Version 1.2.1

- OBJ file loader now automatically normalizes the normals.
- Fixed an issue with the repetitive texture in the OBJ file loader.
- Memory used by is now limited to size of cloud selected at initialization. Cannot change size of cloud anymore after initialization (no more ghost).
- OBJ file loader and ASCII cloud and mesh files are loaded and saved using the point as decimal separator independently from the computer and LabVIEW settings.

Version 1.2.0

- Added Audio beam function to Kinect API
- Added Oculus Rift DK2 API
- Added .OBJ file format reader
- Added function Acq Cloud to the Depth API
- Added the floor plane as the output of the Acquire body API
- Fixed a memory leak problem with the Body API
- Fixed missing joint in Body 3D Display API
- The STL read function as an option to fix the normals
- Fixed the 32-bit version of the new function Acq Cloud of the Depth API
- Fusion API provides camera matrix

Version 1.0.0

- Initial release

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