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GPower Array by GPower - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Additional array functions.

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ReleasedFeb 07, 2017
Publisher GPower
License BSD
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=12.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
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The GPower Array toolset complements the built-in array functions, specifically;

- Remove specific elements from an array:
Remove all duplicates within an array, remove all instances of a specific element, or filter an array by a substring/regular expression or by a numeric range.

- Search array for multiple elements in one go:
Get all indices of a specific element within an array, or search for multiple different elements in one go.

- Replace array element with automatic resize:
Enhanced version of the built-in Replace Array Subset function, which automatically resizes the input array if you attempt to replace an element outside the original array boundary.

- Diff arrays:
Given two arrays, find equal or unequal elements between them, or split them into unique and common elements.

- Reorder an array by template:
Supply a template array as well as that template's reordered issue, then the subject array will be reordered like the template. Useful if you have a subject array of a data type that you can't simply sort somehow, but you are able to supply another equivalent array that you can sort (for instance extract a text field from a cluster and sort that, then use that sorted issue as a means to sort the original array of clusters).

- Create arrays:
Initialize an array with either a range of random or specific values.

- Pad arrays to even length.

Release Notes

2016.2.0.27 (Feb 07, 2017)

v2016.2 27/10 2016:
- New build replacing some broken front panel indicators when installing on LabVIEW 2016.

v2016.1 12/10 2016:
- NaN support added for the RemoveElement function.

v2016 4/7 2016:
- Deprecated CompareArrays, DiffArrays, and IntersectArrays due to their hard to understand syntax.
- Added The Compare, Equal, and Unequal functions to replace the three deprecated functions.
- Added String and Path datatypes to Sort1DArray including the option for case sensitive or case insensitive sorting of those.
- Added I8-I64, U8-U64, SGL, DBL, and EXT data types to Sort1DArray for convenience.
- Added 'Case Sensitive Compare?' to RemoveDuplicates of String and Path datatypes.
- Backsaved library from LabVIEW 2014 to 2012.

v2015 29/9 2015:
- Added the PadToEvenEnd and PadToEvenFront functions.

v2014 9/4 2014:
- Added three array creation functions (CreateDeltaArray, CreateRandomArray, and CreateRangeArray).
- Added four filter array functions (FilterArraySGL, FilterArrayDBL, FilterArrayEXT, and FilterArrayStr).
- New, hopefully more informative, icons throughout.
- Changed to library versioning that follows the library update year.
- Deprecated the old FilterStringArray function, as we found that the 'Strings must contain filter value?' input does nothing but invert the outputs. The new FilterArrayStr function is simpler and more flexible.

v2012.3 12/1 2014:
- Changed the SearchArrayMultiple function from a normal VI into a polymorphic VI, adding a 'Start index/Start indices' input in the process. Also changed the way it handles multiple searches for the same element.
- Added a 'Removed duplicates' output to the RemoveDuplicates function.
- Added a 'Removed elements' output to the FilterStringArray function.

v2012.2 6/1 2014:
- Added the CompareArrays function.
- Added the Sort1DArray function that allows sorting of complex 1D arrays (unlike the built-in Sort 1D Array function).
- Added support for the three complex numeric data types (CSG, CDB, CXT) in all polymorphic array functions.
- Modified icons on all functions for better readability.
- SearchArray and SearchArrayMultiple are now inlined instead of reentrant.

v2012.1 16/11 2013:
- Added the FilterStringArray function.
- Now allows install on Linux and Macintosh in addition to Windows.

v2012 9/9 2013:
- Changed to versioning that follows the base LabVIEW version.

v1.2 19/7 2013:
- Updated to support Error & Warning toolset v3.0.

v1.1.1 13/6 2013:
- Replaced three instances of the ReorderArray polymorphic VI with the correct ones (SGL, DBL, EXT).

v1.1 21/1 2013:
- Added the SearchArrayMultiple function.

v1.0 9/12 2012:
- Initial public release.

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