(Jul 10, 2024)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- The DLL implementation matches the most recent version using pointers instead of variants for moving structures between the programs.
- Corrects an issue related to the delivery of string arrays with empty elements.
- Introduces the Storages and WindGen interfaces.
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v10.0.0.2 (Dec 04, 2023)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- New flag added to avoid displaying reports automatically when generated (ShowReports).
- Adds grid forming inverter capabilities to Inverter-base resources (Storage and PVSystem) for microgrid studies in QSTS.
- Adds dynamics simulation capabilities to Inverter-based Resources (Storage and PVSystem), including Black start operation. Includes DynamicExp compatibility. Examples and documentation included.
- Adds LL faults between all pair of nodes of a bus to FaultStudy reports. Adding RegControl name, Transformer Winding number, DirectionMode and Cogen flag to Taps reports.
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.7.1 (Dec 05, 2022)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- New flag added to avoid displaying reports automatically when generated (ShowReports).
- Adds grid forming inverter capabilities to Inverter-base resources (Storage and PVSystem) for microgrid studies in QSTS.
- Adds dynamics simulation capabilities to Inverter-based Resources (Storage and PVSystem), including Black start operation. Includes DynamicExp compatibility. Examples and documentation included.
- Adds LL faults between all pair of nodes of a bus to FaultStudy reports. Adding RegControl name, Transformer Winding number, DirectionMode and Cogen flag to Taps reports.
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.6.1 (Aug 29, 2022)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates new properties to the CktElement interface for allowing users to set/get state variables (PE elements) using it's index or name..
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.5.1
- Adds "Element" property to UPFC for triggering the reactive power compensation mode. Not needed in the past, but given the new control mode it requires it.
- Adds DOC_P1Blocking property to relays. This enables/disables a positive sequence power blocking element according to IEEE Std C57.12.44-2014.
- Solved issue introduced with long-line correction changes of rev 3464. Single-phase lines without symmetrical component definition were being affected by change.
- Adding command for getting the line type list as string for reference.
- Includes new command for checking if there is a new version of OpenDSS available for download. The same command was implemented in the GUI's menu -> Help options. (Mar 24, 2022)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates new properties to the CktElement interface for allowing users to set/get state variables (PE elements) using it's index or name..
- Solves an issue when compiling a model for the first time, requiring to redirect the app path.
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.4.1
- Adds new properties to transformers for core type
- Includes the latest A-Diakoptics suite (Nov 17, 2021)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.4.0
- Adds new properties to transformers for core type
- Includes the latest A-Diakoptics suite (Jun 25, 2021)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes the ReduceCkt interface added for COM in OpenDSS v9
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.3.0
- Adds new properties for controlling/managing relays, reclosers and fuses.
- Includes compatibility with memory mapping for large sets of load shapes. (Feb 03, 2021)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes the ReduceCkt interface added for COM in OpenDSS v9
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.2.0
- Fix a bug found when dumping the properties of CNData. The error was introduced in v9.1.3 (Jan 28, 2021)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes the ReduceCkt interface added for COM in OpenDSS v9
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.2.0
- Fix a bug found when dumping the properties of CNData. The error was introduced in v9.1.3 (Dec 22, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes the most recent changes and interfaces added in OpenDSS v9.1.3 (Sep 16, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes GIS properties for Buses in the Bus interface
- Includes the latest GIS commands for interacting with OpenDSS-GIS (Jul 23, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes property ZSC012Matrix for the Bus interface
- Fixes bug found in ConductorData.pas (Jun 24, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest features included in OpenDSS V 9
- Includes properties LineList and LoadList for the Bus interface
- Documentation updated (Jun 15, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest features included in OpenDSS V 9
- Fixes bug found in relays class
- Documentation updated (Jun 03, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest features included in OpenDSS V 9
- Documentation updated (Apr 06, 2020)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest features included in OpenDSS V
- Adds the ActiveClassParent property to the ActiveClass option (String)
- Includes the line calculation mismatch due to the wrong unit's assignment.
- Includes property "Irradiance Now" for the PVSystem interface.
- Includes seasonal ratings feature for transformers defined in kVA.
- Includes the commands for exporting OL and VV reports without DI.
- Fixes a bug found in the Bus interface when asking for the VLL and puVLL.
- Fixes a bug found when defining capacitors, creting extra buses connected to nothing.
- Documentation updated (Dec 18, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest features included in OpenDSS V
- Adds the ActiveClassParent property to the ActiveClass option (String)
- Includes the line calculation mismatch due to the wrong unit's assignment.
- Documentation updated (Nov 11, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest featues included in OpenDSS V
- Adds the progress form when Allows form is true (Sep 16, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Incorporates the latest featues included in OpenDSS V 8.6.4 (Jul 02, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Includes new control mode for the Storage controller
- Includes new capabilities for FMonitor and Generic5 generator (provided by UCF)
- Includes new documentation in the program for the new functionalities (Mar 26, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Corrects a bug introduced in OpenDSS V8.4
- New property SeasonRating added to the Lines interface
- Includes a VI for estimating paths within the active circuit (Feb 27, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- New property SeasonRating added to the Lines interface (Jan 21, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Unstable pointer allocation corrected
- New GICSources interface added (Jan 17, 2019)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- Unstable pointer allocation corrected
- New GICSources interface added (Jul 25, 2018)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes:
- A major update was made in this platform. Several issues related with the energy meter have been solved
- The stability on parallel processing simulations have been improved (Apr 10, 2017)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes new instructions for the Solution and Parallel Interfaces of the library, as well as the latest bug fix for the ISource element. (Mar 24, 2017)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update provides the Induction machine model and bug fixes for the line and InvControl objects. (Mar 06, 2017)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86. This update includes an example for Diakoptics and new functionalities for the Alternative Interface. (Feb 15, 2017)
This library enables LabVIEW users to control OpenDSS-PM (Parallel Machine Engine) using the Direct DLL interface (faster than the COM interface for this platform). This version is compatible with NI LabVIEW x86