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CRTK Suite (System) by Constelli - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Constelli RTK extends the built- in capabilities of NI LabVIEW and NI LabVIEW FPGA with VIs and tools for Radar Signal Generation, Target and Emitter Simulation, and Measurements and Analysis.

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ReleasedJan 09, 2020
Publisher Constelli
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=0
Operating System Windows
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Constelli Radar Toolkit for NI LabVIEW
October, Version

The Constelli Radar Toolkit extends the built-in capabilities of NI LabVIEW and NI LabVIEW FPGA with functions and tools for Radar Waveform generation, Target & Emitter Simulation*, and Measurements and Analysis. With this toolkit, you can rapidly develop applications for Radar Test & Measurements, Target & Emitter Simulators, Research, Design & Prototyping, and Radar Training & Teaching.

The Constelli Radar Toolkit contains VIs and Examples that can be used for Simulation or with National Instruments hardware. The toolkit supports majority of the NI RF & FPGA Platforms including NI VST (PXIe 5840, 5644/45/46), NI RFSG & RFSA. Example library helps building applications faster with FPGA focused frameworks for Radar Target & Emitter Simulations, Waveform Generation and Analysis.

*Not part of standard Radar Toolkit package. Refer Product vs Feature matrix.

Visit for more information and support on this product.

NOTE: This package requires LabVIEW and VIPM to be run with administrator privileges.

Software Prerequisites:
NI LabVIEW 2015 SP1 (f4 Patch) or Above
NI LabVIEW FPGA Module 2015 (f1 Patch) or Above
NI Third- Party Licensing and Activation Toolkit
RFSA 16.0 or Above
RFSG 16.0 or Above
NI-RFmx SpecAn 2.0 Version or Above
NI USRP 15.0 drivers or above
NI RF Driver suite 2015

Hardware Requirements to run examples:
NI PXIe Chassis
NI PXIe Embedded controller
NI USRP Module 2950R
PXIe-5840/5644/5646 FPGA Instrument Drivers
NI RFSA 566x and RFSG 567x or NI VST 1.0 or NI VST 2.0


1. All the VIs of CRTK are supported on NI LabVIEW 2015 SP1 (f4 patch) or above. Whereas the VST Examples that use Custom FPGA Bitfiles are supported only on NI LabVIEW 2015 SP1 (f4 patch) with NI LabVIEW FPGA Module 2015 (f1 patch), RFSA 16.0, RFSG 16.0, and FPGA Instrument Drivers 16.0.
2. The VST Examples that use Custom FPGA Bitfiles include FPGA Signal Generation, Target and Emitter Simulation.

Release Notes (Jan 09, 2020)

Constelli Radar Toolkit version is a major release.

This release includes VIs and examples for Radar Waveform Generation, Measurements & Analysis, Target Simulation and Emitter Simulation.

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