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CRTK Sig Analysis by Constelli - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Constelli RTK extends the built- in capabilities of NI LabVIEW and NI LabVIEW FPGA with VIs and tools for Radar Signal Generation, Target and Emitter Simulation, and Measurements and Analysis.

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ReleasedDec 09, 2019
Publisher Constelli
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=15.0
Operating System Windows
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Constelli Radar Toolkit for NI LabVIEW
October, Version

The Constelli Radar Toolkit extends the built-in capabilities of NI LabVIEW and NI LabVIEW FPGA with functions and tools for Radar Waveform generation, Target & Emitter Simulation*, and Measurements and Analysis. With this toolkit, you can rapidly develop applications for Radar Test & Measurements, Target & Emitter Simulators, Research, Design & Prototyping, and Radar Training & Teaching.

The Constelli Radar Toolkit contains VIs and Examples that can be used for Simulation or with National Instruments hardware. The toolkit supports majority of the NI RF & FPGA Platforms including NI VST (PXIe 5840, 5644/45/46), NI RFSG & RFSA. Example library helps building applications faster with FPGA focused frameworks for Radar Target & Emitter Simulations, Waveform Generation and Analysis.

*Not part of standard Radar Toolkit package. Refer Product vs Feature matrix.

Visit for more information and support on this product.

NOTE: This package requires LabVIEW and VIPM to be run with administrator privileges.

Software Prerequisites:
NI LabVIEW 2015 SP1 (f4 Patch) or Above
NI LabVIEW FPGA Module 2015 (f1 Patch) or Above
NI Third- Party Licensing and Activation Toolkit
RFSA 16.0 or Above
NI-RFmx SpecAn 2.0 Version or Above

Hardware Requirements to run examples:
NI PXIe Chassis
NI PXIe Embedded controller
NI RFSA 566x or NI VST 1.0 or NI VST 2.0

Release Notes (Dec 09, 2019)

Constelli Radar Toolkit version is a major release.

This release includes VIs and examples for Radar Waveform Generation, Measurements & Analysis, Target Simulation and Emitter Simulation.

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