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COS Azure Kinect Sensor (System) by COS - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

Version | |
Released | Apr 06, 2022 |
Publisher | COS |
License | Not Specified |
LabVIEW Version | LabVIEW x64>=0 |
Operating System | Windows |
Project links |
COS Azure Kinect Sensor for LabVIEW current version encapsulates the depth, vision and imu sensor control.
Hardwsre Required
Azure Kinect DK (https://www.microsoftstore.com.cn/vr-and-mr/azure-kinect-dk)
01) Depth camera access and mode control (a passive IR mode, plus wide and narrow field-of-view depth modes)
02) RGB camera access and control (for example, exposure and white balance)
03) Directly access point cloud data
04) Motion sensor (gyroscope and accelerometer) access
05) Synchronized Depth-RGB camera streaming with configurable delay between cameras
06) External device synchronization control with configurable delay offset between devices
07) Camera frame meta-data access for image resolution, timestamp, etc.
08) Device calibration data access
09) Point cloud to triangle mesh reconstruction function
10) Bilateral filtering and smoothing of triangular mesh data
11) Triangular mesh data storage and reading
It is believed that you can easily apply the API to your LabVIEW application.
For successful installation of dependencies it's required to run the VIPM
and LabVIEW with admin rights
***Notice that COS Azure Kinect Sensor Toolkit provides a 7-day trial***
COS Azure Kinect Sensor from COS
REV 2.0,00/2022/0331
Build by: COS
Original Release