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Ball Balancing Table Software by Acrome Robotics - Toolkit for LabVIEW Download

LabVIEW based open-source Ball Balancing Table Software makes it possible that students can modify the controller structure.

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ReleasedApr 03, 2018
Publisher Acrome Robotics
License End-User License Agreement
LabVIEW VersionLabVIEW>=15.0
Operating System Windows, Mac, and Linux
Project links Homepage  


Vendor: ACROME Robotics
Supported Language(s): LabVIEW
Required software modules: NI-VISA, NI-Softmotion, MyRIO Toolkit, NI-FPGA Module, NI-RealTime Module,NI-Control and Design Simulation Module
Hardware Requirements: Ball Balancing Table System (It contains NI myRIO, ACROME Power Distribution Unit, RC Servo Motors, Steel Ball and Touch Screen)

Original Release Date: 06-12-2017
Current Revision Date:29-03-2018
VI Package Manager 2017 is required to install the package.

The Ball Balancing Table Software provides a set of utility VIs and APIs, which can be used in Ball Balancing Table Device to practice basic control algrotihms with a User Interface.
LabVIEW based open-source software makes it possible that students can modify the controller structure. A designed controller is tested on Ball Balancing Table in real time. Thus, students understand effects of controller types on the real system. The system is also suitable for graduate studies to implement different controller types such as robust control, adaptive control, fuzzy control etc.

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Release Notes (Apr 03, 2018) no release notes for this version

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